Rehearsals resume Monday 3 February
Rehearsal schedule is here
Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings. Arrive from 7.30 pm to check in, pay the weekly fee (if not already done by EFT), and allow time for a chat. Rehearsal commences promptly at 7.45 pm.
St Andrew’s Church – Pioneer Chapel, 228 New Street, Brighton
enter from car park via Lady Chapel entrance (to left of the bluestone building)
Refreshments: on the first Monday of each month we usually finish rehearsal a little earlier to enjoy a cuppa and some social time. BYO mug.
We also have a monthly trading table on the same night (except February) to assist with fundraising.
Before rehearsal some members meet for a chat and a drink or bite to eat at the Dendy Deli, 26 Church St (five-minute walk or park out front).
2024/2025 Fees
A weekly fee of $12.50
Please bring the correct amount to rehearsal as no change can be given. Payment can be made for several weeks at a time. EFT payment is preferred.
This fee assists us in meeting the choir expenses including church/hall hire, conductor and accompanist costs and monthly hospitality.
From time to time there is an additional fee payable to cover cost of music. For example Christmas 2024 music was $25.
The committee monitors the financial position of the choir on a regular basis and accordingly may need to modify this arrangement in the future. Fees are also reviewed prior to the Annual Meeting.
Healthy Rehearsals
chairs are placed slightly apart
the Pioneer Chapel (Church) and hall are heated, but on cooler nights please wear warm clothing. If rehearsing in the hall windows may be opened to improve ventilation
please do not attend if you feel unwell, have a respiratory infection or have tested positive to COVID, RSV or flu
Part Representatives
Soprano part rep. – Margaret Ri.
Alto part rep. – Rosemary H.
Tenor & Bass part rep. – Geoff P.
Between Concerts
We usually have a dinner on the first Monday after our concert. Before re-commencing rehearsals we take a 3 to 4 week break over winter and a longer summer break.
Committee 2024-2025
President – Penny Paton
Vice-president – Stuart Allen
Secretary – Rosemary Harmer
Treasurer – John Dunham
Concert Manager – Denise Grocke
Committee – Angela Alomes
The Annual Meeting is held after the Choir has resumed in the new year. Two weeks’ notice is given to members. All positions are declared vacant and nominations are called for.
Committee Meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month. Choir members are welcome to attend as observers.
Performance Uniform
The uniform for performances is:
black shirt or top (short or 3/4 sleeve permitted but not sleeveless)
black trousers/pants, culottes or full-length skirt
black full-length dress (not sleeveless)
black shoes, stockings/socks
GECC red bow tie or scarf (available at rehearsals)
- black folder for music