2024 in review… and looking forward to 2025

Dear friends and choir members
We said our thank you’s, congratulations and farewells at our Christmas dinner last week. I would like to extend these messages to our larger group which includes our loyal audience also.
This year ‘s music was a challenge for the choir and we are proud of our performances of Karl Jenkins Requiem, with Bendigo Chorale and Benjamin Brittens A Ceremony of Carols at our Christmas concert. We thank our conductor Elena Varshavskaya, together with Berta Brozgul our accompanist Denise Grocke our Concert Manager together with Elena plan our program. Denise sources our outside musicians and the quality of these I have no doubt add to the high standard of our concerts,along with the St Andrews Anglican church as our venue.
We look forward to returning next year. Our committee work hard through the year, alongside our choir members who are always willing to assist. I list the committee now in recognition.
Vice president: Stuart Allen
Secretary Rosemary Hamer
Treasurer: John Dunham
Concert Manager: Denise Grocke
IT & so much more: Angela Alomes
We are singing ‘British music’ from the Renaissance to present day in our first concert in 2025. You are welcome to come and try us out. Reading music is an advantage. Thank you to those people who may have sung with us in the past but are no longer able. We love catching up with you after concerts. We look forward to the return of choristers unable to sing in 2025. And thank you again to our audience.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Glen Eira City Choir next meets on Monday 3 February at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start at St Andrews Church, New Street, Brighton.
Penny Paton